Delta have just taken delivery of its latest service vehicle – a Ford Jumbo transit fitted out with a range of work benches and units so that we can offer…

Gordon Gillespie from Delta signs contract with Mark Carwardine from Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA) for their next generation Delta 800X Rescue RIB. Features: Certified to the UK MCA Rescue…

New ‘Typhoon’ hull gives Delta RIBs the edge in performance Delta Power Group (Delta RIBs) has introduced a newly designed hull form (developed over three years) called the ‘Delta Typhoon’.…

Vroon Offshore Services (VOS) needed seven new Daughter Craft RIBs to be operated from its next generation ERRV mother vessels currently in build in Nanjing, China, the order for this…

Delta at the forefront of oil field craft development for nearly two decades. Delta’s newly completed 10.80m ERRV Daughter Craft for North American Shipbuilders is a special version of the…